
About TRST ( Trust )Score


TRST ( Trust )  Score is a venture by Fiducia Score Private Limited. It was created to be like a Credit Score except it is a rating of employees trust. Every company has been affected one or the other by untrustworthy or unethical employees.

Just as people have trend in their financial payment and borrowing behavior, employees also tend to have a pattern in their ethical behavior. If we traveled back 20 years or more, when we didn’t have credit score, people didn’t take their borrowing and payments seriously. The advent of credit score changed the industry and the entire Financial Services Industry grew in leaps and bounds.

Similarly, the TRST ( Trust )  Score will change the way hiring is done and will dissuade unethical behavior of employees. TRST ( Trust )  Score will result in a savings of $800 Billion and reduce bankruptcies of companies who are otherwise silently suffering.

Just as Banks and Financial Institutions came together, companies need to come together to make this service meaningful. To enable this, we have made this service free for the first 1000 companies.

Check out the TRST ( Trust )  Score Team to know about the people behind the venture.