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Employee Misconduct: How Should an Employer Respond?

Writer: Sudhakar RajaSudhakar Raja
It is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe and welcoming work environment for the employees by managing the employee behavior. As the business gets flourished the chances to happen employee misconduct is more. To deal with employee misconduct in the workplace, the employer should know what qualifies as employee misconduct and what are the best practices to prevent it.

Employee Misconduct in the Workplace

Inappropriate behavior in the workplace impacts negatively on the business growth, employee morale, and outlook of the organization to its clients. Employee misconduct can be varied from minor issues to major breaches of company policy that are capable to damage company reputation. Minor misconduct can be corrected through training and face-to-face discussions, other serious breaches of company policies require immediate action such as termination. Issues related to employee misconduct have to be taken care of promptly to promote teamwork, maintain best practices, and avoid litigation. When the employer manages the misconduct with proper care, it values the leadership and impacts the company’s mission.

Confidentiality breach

At the time of joining, it is common to give the company policy to employees to read and understand the rules and regulations that have to be followed in the organization. In that, protecting trade secrets and confidential client information is a part of the employment agreement. Sharing confidential data like financial information, best business practices, client details, etc is a breach of the agreement and misconduct. Private use of business contact is also can be considered as a confidentiality breach.


When employees refuse to follow the orders from their managers or do not fulfill the duties they are supposed to finish is considered as disobedience or insubordination. Mostly, insubordination can be corrected or the doer has to face minor consequences for this misconduct. The depth of the consequence changes depends on the severity of the act and situation. Coming to work late frequently, not collaborating with colleagues, not attending the meetings, using offensive language, etc are examples.

Harassment and discrimination

Bullying and sexual harassment are serious misconduct in the workplace. It also ends up in legal action. Direct or indirect harassment based on race, religion, gender, nationality, age, and disability is prohibited in the work environment and anyone who violates the rule will have to face the law.

Theft or Fraud, Drug abuse are other misbehavior in the workplace and can be classified under misconduct. Misconduct can be general or gross misconduct. General misconduct is usually unintentional and not malicious. It won’t be having much effect on other people and can be handled through the disciplinary procedure. Gross misconduct can result in immediate termination of employees. It is often an illegal and serious breach of organization.

How to address employee misconduct

Respond quickly: Respond immediately after being aware of the misconduct, this will reduce the liability as an employer.

Investigate: Collect all the evidence and gather any information which is available about the incident.

Documentation: Documenting every detail is proof of evidence and helps to act wisely. Mention every part of the investigation, including the initial report, investigation plan, testimony, video recording, and other evidence.

Consultation: Consult with experienced team members before making a decision. This will prevent you from making a biased decision. Consider the severity of the offense and take action accordingly. TRST Score platform can be used if the doer has performed an action that requires termination. Also, inform other employers on the platform about the incident to avoid similar issues in the future.

No one can predict if the new hire or the employees working in the company for a long period will misbehave or misconduct. Employers can take proactive steps to promote a positive work environment and supportive culture among employees. Implementing platforms like TRST Score, anonymous reporting systems like a whistleblower, etc for reporting harassing behavior, misconduct, and other violations are solutions for preventing such activities.





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